what is Kesshi Studios?
Make it cinematic
The last true competitive advantage remains: a good story well told
Kesshi Studios is a multifaceted production company, founded by Adam Gonshorowski, capturing the art and magic of storytelling in original and sponsored content across all genres and formats.
For feature film, television series, documentary or branded content projects, Kesshi Studios utilizes a blend of traditional filmmaking and digital production techniques to provide a unique full-service development and production company.
Kesshi Studios has been designed from the ground up to service clients and to produce original stories of any scale. From storyboards to post-production, we collaborate with you to explore your narrative, plan your production, and deliver your final cut offering an end-to-end solution for traditional and non-traditional media putting the audience first.
Story drives everything we do transporting us to worlds beyond the reaches of imagination.
KESSHI (N) - (傑士): hero, great man, do-or-die spirit. Origin: Japanese